
The Story Behind the Logo

I'm excited to be linking up with Art with Jenny K. today.  She posed a great question...
What's the story behind your logo?  

I love learning more about teacher-authors on TpT and I'm nuts about graphic design, so I'm even more excited to read others' stories about their logos.  I wish that I had a super cool story about the design of my logo to share, but alas, it's just a classic tale of trial and error.

It began with the decision to name my TpT store Brain Waves Instruction.  I had a few other ideas like Flourish Files and Teacher's Pet, but I finally settled on Brain Waves Instruction because I liked the idea of my resources activating brains in other teachers' classrooms.

Next, I tried to design a logo that looked like some actual brain waves.  It looked like this.

I liked it, but I didn't love it.  So, I tried these guys...

None of them worked.

That's when I paired it WAY back and created a single, simple wave.

Since creating the logo, I've had fun changing the wave colors to coordinate with different products and seasons - like an orange logo on a Halloween resource.

Like I said wrote, the logo design process was truly just trial and error.  A year after I created it, I'm still happy with it.  Maybe the moral here is that simpler is better.

Off to read about all the other TpT logo inceptions!


  1. I like your logo! It's simple but very to the point, and kind of "scholarly"!


  2. There is a lot to be said for the uncluttered, simple approach. It is perfect for your blog. Happy New year!


  3. I, too, like the simple logo. Goes along with the KISS concept - Keep It Successfully Simple!

  4. I love the simple, clean look to your logo. It has definitely stood out to me compared to others. It's fun to see the progression. - Lisa
