A Poetry Analysis Guide for Teachers - Free Poetry Lesson for '"Hope" is the thing with feathers"

Teaching poetry can be a daunting task, especially when met with reluctance from students. However, there's a jewel among the verses that can transform your poetry lessons and captivate even the most hesitant of students - Emily Dickinson's '"Hope" is the Thing with Feathers.' In this guide, we'll explore key ways to teach this timeless poem, overcome common teaching challenges, provide tips for analyzing poetry, delve into teaching literary analysis, and underscore the importance of Emily Dickinson in the literary canon.

Here's the best part...I've included a FREE lesson to teach the entire poem. Learn about it below, or download it right here.

Check out these easy steps for teaching '"Hope" is the thing with feathers'...

1. Build Background

Before students begin to read and analyze the poem, discuss the historical context of the poem, introduce students to the enigmatic life of Dickinson, and explore the symbolism of hope as a bird.

One fun way to build background is to have students to work in groups as they rotate to different learning stations. The first station might introduce students' to Emily Dickinson's early life as they practice sequencing skills. Then, students can learn about Emily's writing years and her later years at different stations where they practice cause and effect and finding meaning in context. Finally, students could investigate interesting facts about Dickinson. Learning stations help students connect the poet's life and experiences with the broader context in which she lived. (You can grab ready-made stations in this "Who was Emily Dickinson" author study and poem analysis resource.)

2. Make Poetry Accessible

It's true that many students find reading and analyzing poetry a bit overwhelming. However, I've found that by breaking down the poem into smaller sections encourages students to explore its layers gradually. 

My favorite way to help students delve deeper into the analysis is with poetry flip books. The flip book provides an interactive way to guide students through progressively more challenging analysis tasks. Each task is a associated with a different reading of the poem, so it naturally encourages close reading of the text. In the FREE lesson, students will review vocabulary, figurative language, poetry form, and analysis in the flip book. Don't forget to download it here.

3. Connect Poetry to Life

One way to make poetry more approachable is by helping students build connections to the message in the poem.  After students have a chance to analyze the poem, help them connect '"Hope" is the thing with feathers' to their own experiences. Discuss moments of hope in their lives and how the poem resonates with these experiences. 


With these easy steps (and the free lesson plan), you'll have a chance to instill a love for literature in your students. By understanding who Emily Dickinson was, what the poem is about, and how the poem relates to their own lives, students can unlock the beauty of poetry in their lives. 

Ready to give this poem a chance? Download the free lesson plan and resources to dive deeper into the magic of '"Hope" is the thing with feathers."

Thanks for stopping by!

Mary Beth

P.S. I've compiled my FAVORITE poems to teach in this blog post.

Classroom Management Ideas for Promoting Positive Behavior in the Classroom

Are you a teacher seeking innovative and effective strategies to foster a positive classroom environment? Navigating the complexities of behavior management is a shared challenge among educators. Whether you're looking to reestablish classroom rules, set clear expectations, or introduce engaging activities to promote positive behavior, this blog post is filled with ideas.

You'll find 10 practical tips, tools, and fun activities designed to help you not only manage behavior but also cultivate a vibrant and inclusive learning space. From creating a collaborative "classroom constitution" to incorporating interactive learning games, discover actionable insights to make your classroom a hub of positivity and academic success.

1. Classroom Constitution

Overview: Create a collaborative document outlining the rules and expectations for the class, often referred to as a "Classroom Constitution."


  1. Preparation: Large poster paper, markers, or a digital platform for collaboration.
  2. Discuss the concept of a constitution and its purpose. Explain that the class will collaboratively create their own set of rules and expectations.
  3. Facilitate a discussion where students share their ideas on what makes a positive and respectful learning environment.
  4. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a section of the constitution (e.g., behavior, communication, participation).
  5. Have each group create a poster or digital document summarizing the rules and expectations for their assigned section.
  6. Bring the class back together to present and discuss each group's contributions. Consolidate these into a final document that everyone agrees upon.
  7. Once finalized, have each student and the teacher sign the constitution, symbolizing their commitment.

Suggestions: Consider displaying the signed constitution in the classroom as a visual reminder of the shared expectations.

2. Doodle Syllabus

Overview: Transform the traditional syllabus into an engaging and visually appealing doodle syllabus that communicates class rules and expectations.


  1. Preparation - Gather poster paper, markers, and a doodle syllabus.
  2. Explain the concept of a doodle syllabus and how it can make the rules and expectations more visually interesting.
  3. Discuss each rule and expectation as a class, allowing students to ask questions and provide input.
  4. Encourage students to create doodles, sketches, or illustrations that represent each rule and expectation.
  5. Display the doodle syllabus prominently in the classroom for easy reference.

3. Interactive Rule Sorting Activity

Overview: Engage students in a hands-on activity where they actively participate in sorting and categorizing different rules and expectations.


  1. Preparation: Gather index cards, markers, sticky notes, and a large poster. Write individual rules and expectations on index cards or sticky notes.
  2. Have students work in pairs or small groups to categorize the rules into themes (e.g., respect, responsibility, safety).
  3. After sorting, facilitate a class discussion where each group explains their categorization and justifies their choices.
  4. Consolidate the class's input and create a master list of rules and expectations on the board or a poster.
  5. Discuss any differences or additions, and come to a class agreement on the final set of rules.

Suggestions: Consider turning the sorted rules into a visually appealing poster that can be displayed in the classroom.

4. Rule Charades

Incorporate movement and fun into rule establishment by playing a game of Rule Charades.

  1. Preparation: Index cards with rules written on them.
  2. Write individual rules on index cards, ensuring each student has one rule to enact.
  3. Have students take turns acting out their assigned rule without speaking, while the rest of the class guesses the rule.
  4. After each charade, open a discussion about why that rule is important and how it contributes to a positive learning environment.
  5. Ask students to reflect on the experience and consider why certain rules were more challenging to convey through charades.

5. Stop and Keep It Up Cards

Description: Stop and Keep It Up Cards are visual cues placed on students' desks to provide immediate feedback on their behavior. The cards are dual-purpose, with one side signaling a need to stop a behavior and the other side encouraging positive behavior continuation.

How to Create:

  1. -- Download the FREE cards here.
  2. -- Laminate the cards for durability.
  3. -- Optionally, add visuals or symbols to enhance understanding.


-- Immediate Feedback: Teachers can discreetly place the appropriate card on a student's desk to provide immediate feedback on their behavior.
-- Positive Reinforcement: The "Keep It Up" side reinforces positive behavior, acknowledging students for making good choices.
-- Non-Verbal Communication: It serves as a non-verbal communication tool, minimizing disruptions in the classroom.

6. Noise Level Meter

A Noise Level Meter is a visual aid that helps students gauge the acceptable noise level in the classroom. It can be a poster with different levels ranging from silent to outside voice.

How to Create:
-- Create or find a poster with a visual representation of noise levels.
-- Attach a movable indicator, such as an arrow or a magnetic marker.
-- Clearly label each noise level.

-- Transitions: Use it during transitions to remind students of the expected noise level.
-- Consistency: Provides a consistent visual reference for noise expectations.
-- Self-Monitoring: Students can monitor their noise levels and adjust behavior accordingly.

  1. 7. Team-building Games: Incorporate team-building activities to foster a positive class culture. Games like "Human Knot" or "Two Truths and a Dream" encourage collaboration and communication. Download a FREE team building lesson and activity here.

  2. 8. Doodle Page

  3. Help students review, reflect, and reset their behavior with this FREE doodle one-pager. It's the perfect way to reestablish positive classroom behavior in the classroom.

  4. 9. Classroom Cheers and Celebrations:

    Develop unique cheers or celebrations for the class when they meet behavior goals. This adds an element of fun and camaraderie.

  5. 10. Interactive Learning Games:

    Integrate educational games and activities into the curriculum. These FREE choice boards and sets of creative Brain Bursts make learning enjoyable and can be used as a reward for good behavior.

  6. ---------------------------------------------

As teachers, we know that effective classroom management is a cornerstone for fostering a positive and engaging learning environment. I hope some of these ideas like the doodle reset and stop cards help promote positive behavior in your classroom.

If you're looking for a HUGE collection of ready-made ideas. Check out this collection of 85+ pages of Classroom Management essentials!

Thanks for stopping by!
Mary Beth

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